Friday, November 9, 2012

I'm on a Grand Jury (sort of).

Dear Ones,

Yesterday, I was impaneled as an alternate on a Grand Jury for St. Louis City. We talked about this possibility at the last Chapter meeting and it has come to pass -- at least in part.

The basics are that for the next two weeks (beginning Tuesday, Nov. 13), I will be at the courthouse from 9 am - 5 pm hearing testimony. From that point on, I will be on call every Tuesday and Thursday ... as well as the last two Wednesdays of the month - through the first week in February. 

On call means that I can be called at any time and with very little notice to report to the courthouse on one of those days to serve for the day. That means I can get a call at 8:30 am saying "be here in 30 minutes." 

I am not anxious about this in the least and, in fact, I see this as a great opportunity for all of us. First off, as a Cathedral in the city with a long and deep presence in the city, the experience of the parade of murder, assault, drug, domestic violence, etc. cases that will come before me on the days I serve cannot help but give me (and all of us as I share the experiences) a deeper sense of the opportunity of God's call to us as an urban congregation. I am viewing this impanelment not just as my civic duty but as a call to ministry ... and one not just for me but for the entire Cathedral community.

Second, it will mean that I will have fewer hours -- and we really don't know how MANY fewer hours -- to devote explicitly to my job as dean. As a chronic overfunctioner, I think this can also be a great opportunity for all of us! This really is about shared leadership ... and the opportunity for things that I have too readily just taken on myself to be shared with you all and others. 

I have already had an initial conversation with Annette and Amy about this and we wil be having a conversation about this at Chapter next Thursday. A real gift in this for us is an invitation for us to be grace-filled and flexible. Things literally may change at a moment's notice in terms of what I am able to do. I have been already advised not to schedule meetings on days I could be called to serve ... or to have them be meetings that can easily work without me. 

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email or call me. 

Love you all and see you Sunday.

in Christ's love,

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